Is “Immigration Reform” Really Pro-Immigrant?

Just because so many Republicans have dropped off the deep end in their orgies of anti-immigrant racism doesn’t mean we should accept whatever the Democrats push on us.

The “Immigration Reform” bill that Democrats have pushed in the U.S. Senate is very much akin to the false promises of “reform” they push in other areas – education “reform,” aka scapegoating teachers, pushing useless testing and busting unions; pension “reform,” aka robbing working people’s pensions while giving tax write-offs to rich corporations; etc.

The bill has so many barriers to actually getting naturalized as to make it impossible for the overwhelming majority of the undocumented to finally get security. Also, no amount of passing the blame onto Republicans for the lack of real immigration reform can hide the fact that President Obama is the Deporter-in-Chief, having deported more immigrants and ripped apart more immigrant families than any other president in U.S. history.

In this episode of the Gay Liberation Network on Chicago Access Network TV, Rozalinda of the Moratorium on Deportations Campaign talks with GLN’s Andy Thayer.

Originally broadcast October 11, 2013

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